Narcissism a Thing

Classic 101 Narcissism dose it start in the womb or in the soul structure. A personality trait that when the human is extremely self absorbed.

They can do no wrong and they are always correct. Correct to a fault of hurting others around them. As if blind to their own actions. How can a Mother who loves her Son deny him of his happiness for her pleasure.

And or the Father doing the same to his daughter. Truth is rough. It is hard to hear your daughter is not in love with her husband who had Cancer. Plus, it was a marriage of convenience. It is a shock. My father cried but then accepted the reality.

Instead she was in love with someone else for years. This story took place somewhere in a foreign country many years ago. Those people today are now happily married. In joy, peace,and without anxiety

Miracles Do Exists

Eye Opening

Life has been interesting I must add. Nothing is the same and it changes everyday. People have come and gone in my life lately.

Is it my age or just the stage in life that adults go through? Then as a Esoteric student I have a different view. The paradigm is changing fast and furious.

Many people regardless of age are choosing to leave. Yes choosing to leave. Yeah! Sounds nutty. Life and our times are a changing. We as a whole need to shift. Humanity is stuck.

Face it all the old structures do not serve. However, the old guard wants them to stay. They can’t !!! It dose not work. Half the world wants to lock us down and the other keep us free? Well in order for Shamballah to arrive these old ways of thinking will have to shift to gain pure Peace and Freedom.

Let the Light shine and bring in the Peace. Darkness is a illusion. It is trying to tell you that it wants to control you. It cannot. You have free will Use It!!!



Truth Telling

This has been a year of ” No Secrets” . Every human on the planet has been subject to some form of exposure. It sounds illogical but Karma is being cleaned up.

Yes Karma I it’s various shapes and forms. We are entering into the Female energy to simplify the term. The spiritual term is ” the ” are kabbalistc term. A merging of Divine Mates. As above so below. Many Divine Mates are reuniting regardless of their present situations. It is stated in the Zohar. That When G_d brings two people together weather they are married, in a other part of the World, either the other spouses will willing have to let them go and or one will die.

This is all the ” Will of God”. It sounds harsh but very true. It has happened in real time. So do not be afraid to find your happiness. This World needs Divine Mates to reunite to bring Passion along with pure agape in the world.

When two people are pure hearted which Divine Mates are they have many things in common.

1. They are Compatible

2. Recognition undeniable

3. One of the will fight to be with other


The whole premise is this. Go for it in a respectable responsible manner. Honor the others involved. Send unconditional love and do not allow anger or resentment to foster. Take it from my experience. It is better to spread love to all. Regardless if you knew the former spouses or not. We all have feelings ” Be Kind”



Life is a ever changing game. We all dwell in the past but never allow ourselves to live in the present.

Cats and Dogs seem to have no problem with it. It is simply being. I am learning that as We go through each passage of life the scariest thing is death. However, what is harder is watching someone grieve. Someone that you Love deeply.

There are times regardless of the situation you feel helpless or even being compared to this person even if they were a friend. No matter how cavalier the situation. It may not matter if you are the male or female. The impact is their

The griever may not see it but it dose not mean on some level it is not acknowledge. That other person may feel pain, jealous, compared too, and hurt. It is hard to say . Emotions are just that emotions. It is hard to not react and stay centered in your core. Especially if this is your Love going through this. Knowing the whole time you were the only one.

Love, Life, Marriage to help another get by just for financial reasons. It gets complicated. Yet when We do the right thing We get rewarded. Let Us also remember that not everything is what it appears to be. Manipulation comes in many forms. I am just saying. Friend or no friend. Life is a chess game.


Every moment things are changing. We need to step back sometimes and take a breather.

The Pandemic has brought to the surface many issues. Yet as spiritual beings it is also forcing Us to look at ” Who We Are”.

The most outstanding change I have noticed is that We are entering more into a digital age. Schools are implementing virtual learning.

Yet We are here to always transform. The Light always brings change. Children seem to accept change a lot easier. They are never given credit.

Their spiritual advancement is far beyond ours. They know what they want. Nothing holds them back. We can learn from their eagerness to create. For example: I know of someone who has created games. He or she is a coding genius at a decent age.

Many old souls are here. You would be surprised what comes out of the words of children.

We have to give ourselves a break. Yes, I have clay feet. In order to grow I look at my short comings. When I teach or talk about it on my radio show.

I let you know that it is easier to jump through the hoops. Then at the other end you have gained knowledge of yourself. No matter what your choice of spiritual path you are on. There is no gain without begin authentic.

Mastering yourself is not bought in the grocery store shelf. It takes time. Many of the ascended Masters took years to reach their goals. For some even lifetimes.

So when it is true you will know it.

Be True to Yourself!

Re- Reading My Paperback

The more I re-read my Paperback I keep discovering things I never noticed before. Little scenes and words of wisdom filled with understanding.

It is as if the Paperback is reminding me to remember to have ” Trust” about who I am becoming in this New beautiful World that is being born. These three words stood out ” Who Am I” ?

Well I realized that I cannot define myself by my job but my content of my character along with; how many people’s lives, have I touched in a positive selfless way.

To my shock I found myself sitting silent with my cellphone off. No television and actually taking in the silence of outside. I was hearing my inner voice. I heard it tell me ” Everything is going to be okay”. My inner voice is also called intuition,your but feeling among various other terms. We all have intuition become friends with it. It has it’s perks.



Yesterday was such a long time ago. From March until whenever each individual went into self quarantine. Have you asked yourself What is coming? Who am I? What is My purpose? Why am I here?

This is a New World We are birthing. A positive place. We have to create the freedoms and liberties within it. It is time to let the Light shine ever so brightly and peacefully.

We know there will be some pushback. The light, hope, and creating with a global conciousness to a non – Orwellian World is What lightworkers strive for. Take your global meditations for positive Actions. Break down their false narrative with Love.


New Pradigm

I was just the question. What is the World going to look like when it reopens?

Well, that is a very good question. This is the first time many are home. It is even more interesting those Who are on the go are revisiting themselves.

This quite time is giving them the chance to ” meet themselves” on a different level.  If you are not use to it granted it can be unpleasant.

Resistance creates growth. Quite time with yourself allows your mind to slow so you can get out of your head. The heart connection is begin renewed.

Just flow with it. Allow it to happen gently.  We have been stuck in our heads to long. Time to give the heart connection a chance. Share it with your friends and family.

Recreate your World into beauty. I am not discounting the virus. I too have had some personal encounters with it recently. It is not pleasant. However, by the grace of faith things have worked out. It was a close one.

So I’m not perfect but I just want to give hope to all of my readers. I pray for all of you. Thankful that you read my blogs. GIFs2020012104810.gif